I'm in a very similar situation and following along.
I started with a basket 350F with a pre-sheared tension adjuster.
I also broke an extractor and have had no luck with the more civilized removal of the broken screw. My best shot at it was probably a torx bit gently hammer into a pilot hole.
Next, less civil attempt, was to drill out the entire screw. I was just using a hand drill; that wasn't steady enough. I aborted that pretty quickly once I could tell the bit wanted to wander off the screw.
Lucky for me, I have a CNC machining department at work. I'm going to see if I can get a helping hand to fix the case up to the manual mill one day after work.
Question for those who have already got past this problem. Can I still disassemble the cam assembly with the tensioner done up? I suppose I could always cut the chain but I already feel bad about trying to ham-fisted-ly drill out the screw
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