I personally got 2 '79cb650's within a week last year.
Go figure the liuck, 'cause after I found out how little is compatible between '79 and almost all the other yearsof the SOHC 650.
i think even in '80 the airbox is on the right, not left sidelike the '79.
IF all goes well, I will be pickuping up my next CB bike in about a week or two.
A '74 750 thats sat in view since '84 or '85.
Has a pair of pants draped over the guages, they look AWESOME! almost mint. the guages, not the pants
It has ?4-6" over front forks, shorty 4-4 trumpet exhaust,12" rise buckhorn handlebars, king/queen seat, and sissy bar.
IF he isn't fibbin' .. it supposedly has a 836 kit as well as a hot cam. With less than 5000 miles on overbore/cam.
Old school chopper? No frame modifications..
He was asking 300 or 350 i think.
Too bad he doesn't have the carbs...At least I will have a real reason for buying new carbs instead of rebuilding old/tired sets.
If i had the money, theres a place just outside of salt lake city that has 3 cb650 motors(2 are '79's!!)
a TON of cb750 motors. $100 a pop.
A few cb750 frames, and LOTS of parts, but you gotta guess what they are from. They just seperate by part, not by make/year of anything.
I got a '79cb650 tank with less rust than i though possible on a tank that old at that place.
They are out there.... If i only had the money, I would fill my garage...
not including me, i've only seen 2 or 3 cb's on the road around here last summer/fall.(provo to salt lake city)
Saw a few go for little/nothing in the paper towards fall.
Looking to having my credit cards paid off in a few months!
I already plan on saving for the fall deals this year
