Yes, I know there are other posts on this subject, but I'm confused.
I have a second disc. It is actually my original which was replaced with a drilled disc. I can drill my original, so disc situation solved.
My questions revolve around what I don't have, where to get it/them & what has to be done to run the original speedo, which I would like to keep (as well as the tech)
I am new and tried to ask questions directly to a member, but don't seem to be able to. I'm sorry to have you have to go on again about my questions.
what do I have to do / machine, if anything, to my 2nd disc?
what do I have to do to my right hand drive parts? I would like to keep the drive on the right for the speedo
don't I just have to buy a 2nd caliper, pads, and mounting arm, reservoir with brake switch.
I will change over to braided lines on both eliminating the left tube and block and run a second line from a duel banjo bolt right from the new reservoir.
I will need a reservoir that can handle 2 disc (move enough fluid) also.
If any machining has to be done to anything, is anyone making the necessary part?