My 2 cents may have a different exchange rate on this board but...
If you have the original master cylinder, and it's not ruined somehow, it would be far better to rebuild the original with new internal parts than buying a new after-market master cylinder. If you can afford it, OEM parts are top. If not, at least stay away from no-name parts from Amazon.
Rebuilding the m.c. is also the perfect time to pop out the caliper piston, check the condition, and at least change the piston seal. Sometimes there's rust damage on the caliper piston, and that's no good. Need a bit of lubrication on the piston seal when inserted too.
I recently switched from oem lines to stainless. As previously suggested, I had to loosen the banjo bolts and bleed air out in those locations too, not just down at the bleeder. As a matter of fact, even after no air seemed to be coming out, the brakes were still awful. So I went out and bought a vaccum brake bleeing tool. It wasn't a great tool for $40, so I had one of my kids pump up the vaccum tool, and one kid pumping and holding the brake. A whole lot more air was forced out that way, and my brakes are slammin' now.