I grabbed one for my K1/K0 project after I found a crack in my original part. Overall, I'm super-happy with what I got. As you said, it costs less than stock parts, and you get the benefit of a stronger part that's not 50 years old. I initially tried to pop some D-washers in for period-correctness, but if you do it doesn't look like they clamp down enough. So that's a definite yes on them not being needed.

The only "downsides" (as they are) are pretty minor. Firstly, the part is powdercoated, and while the holes for the fork tubes are fine, the threads for the gauge mounts need to be tapped and chased to clean them out before you can use them. Second, if you also order the handlebar clamps from Yamiya as well, the horn is a gloss black while the clamps are a satin/semigloss finish. It's not something that's noticeable unless you're looking for it, but still kind of funny.