You can always warm your rods up to 200*f with the bolts and bearing installed and measure your bearing diameter.
Most aluminum rods bores are intentionally sized on the skinny side because they expand at a quicker rate than their steel counterparts.
I’d measure your side clearance/rod thickness at near running temp for just the rod. And like already mentioned, Aluminum rods get longer with temperature, so the additional piston to valve clearance is always recommended.
With .0025 clearance cold/rod you’ll probably be running straight 50 or 70weight at operating temps…..I’m sure with steel rods and that clearance you could hear them on no oil pressure start up after it sits for a while. I haven’t heard of clearances on that small of a journal like that unless running some good fuel and boost….With aluminum rods the clearances only get bigger with temp so I prefer the minimum side of the clearances compared to the looser ones. However the tight clearances are less forgiving when things don’t stay straight, square, and true to the world..