Factory fix on a K6 means that you replaced the outer steel basket pos 1 and Clutch center pos 3 + added the clutch plate B pos 2 instead of one std metal disc. 6 metal as before.
Hopefully fresh clutch fibers too
These are the later used in K7-8, F2-3. The
The outer basket is 3mm deeper as the clutch center to get room for the thicker clutch package.
**** "Field fix" *****
For stock K6 parts and earlier you remove 1 fiber + 1 steel. Then add the double metal plate B.
I bought a used old complete F2 clutch and noticed what differed compared to my K6.
Clutch cover pos 5, I used my old K6.
Earlier clutch covers have a rounded deeper knob, boss for thread that can hit the later deeper basket.
I'll test the field fix on my rattling K2. Maybe today
Hopefully no slip with one clutch fiber less.
I had to upgrade since +100whp with much more torque needed it. A more rigid clutch.
Stock with glass beaded metals + harder springs ok for +80whp.
The doc below mention the engine serials when the factory fix was introduced.

But, the clutch package height one thing to verify.
Early: 1.460" (37.084mm)
Late: 1.560" (39.624mm)
Numbers from CycleX.
So package can not differ too much. If 6 fiber discs are used, 12 sides that wear. 1mm is not much then.