Delta rider, my German was never that good. However, are you saying that new floats do not need to be adjusted as they are correct as received?
OEM are. I always said: there is no harm in
testing and maybe exercising your skill in
measuring, but think twice before you conclude the tangs need
readjusting. Even with the clear tube method you can make an error judging the results. It's for that reason I have posted my method. If you measure the same amounts of fuel after draining the bowls you can rest reasured.
The parts involved hardly wear as I have demonstrated. The culprit is the Clymer manual that always describes things you
can do, without ever balancing it by a comment. If they had included what professional mecs have experienced in their workshops, they could have added: unlikely you ever have to do this, but here is the method anyway. Folks buy a Clymer and can't wait to 'tune' their bikes to 'perfection'. They interpret everything in the Clymer, as something you
should do. Not so.
BTW, I remember the big Honda information cartons hanging down from the ceiling in a Honda dealer's workshop. It specified the float measurements for the few CB
Four models we then had. It said +/- 1 mm.
Some carbs have been left unattended for years. Those will require cleaning and possibly polishing (extremely lightly!) of some parts.
Then there are owners or POs that have fitted aftermarket parts. Maybe others can help them. I can not.