Author Topic: Is my rocker installed wrong on my cb350F  (Read 390 times)

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Is my rocker installed wrong on my cb350F
« on: October 16, 2023, 06:14:05 PM »
I have a 72 cb350f. This winter I took it apart and have attempted to fixed a seized engine. New cylinder sleeve, rings, and the works. All appears good but this is my first time attempting anything of this nature. Upon putting it back together while following the manual I am now at the point where I am trying to adjust the cam chain tensioner.

I took off the tappet covers for cylinder 1, and am aligning the T1.4 mark up with the indicating marker and the exhaust rocker on 1 is loose as it should be the but carb side rocker is not. Even when I turn it 360 it doesn't loosen. What do you think I did wrong when putting it together, or am I just reading the markers wrong?
« Last Edit: October 16, 2023, 06:17:49 PM by BarnFind750 »

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Re: Is my rocker installed wrong on my cb350F
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2023, 07:52:22 PM »
It might be that you haven't yet adjusted the tappets? The clearance for the intake valves is 0.002"-0.003" and the exhaust valves are 0.003"-0.004".
If you dig into the (Honda) manual it will show you a table that indicates that you set the crankshaft at the 1-4 "T" mark and then adjust the little adjusters for either cylinder #1 or #4, whichever happens to be at overlap stroke at the time, along with the intake or exhaust for cylinders #2 and #3, and the opposite ones for #2 and #3 after turning the crank 360 degrees again and adjusting whichever of #1 or #4 wasn't adjusted the last time around.

It isn't necessary to have the tappets adjusted before setting the cam chain, but some manuals seem to think it must be done in that order. It does help, though, when trying to discover whether the cam is at the correct position for setting the cam chain. Usually it should be set just as the #4 intake valve is starting to open at about 15 degrees past TDC for the 1-4 timing mark.
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Re: Is my rocker installed wrong on my cb350F
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2023, 08:22:40 PM »
When fitting the cam cover on your engine, care must be taken to make sure the tappet adjusters are sitting on top of the valve stems. If the cover is tightened down with the adjuster sitting to the side of the stem, instead of on the end, bad stuff can happen. Hopefully that's not the case.
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Re: Is my rocker installed wrong on my cb350F
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2023, 12:51:20 AM »
Also make sure the tappet adjuster is screwed out as much as possible. Otherwise the tappet will try to compress some springs when tightening the cover screws, resulting in stripping screw holes of the head.

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Offline Mark1976

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Re: Is my rocker installed wrong on my cb350F
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2023, 07:47:29 AM »
When fitting the cam cover on your engine, care must be taken to make sure the tappet adjusters are sitting on top of the valve stems. If the cover is tightened down with the adjuster sitting to the side of the stem, instead of on the end, bad stuff can happen. Hopefully that's not the case.
The 350/400f rocker covers aren't as finicky as the 500/550 covers, there is still a concern that it could happen, but as long as you've pulled the cover down evenly and in small increments it shouldn't be an issue.
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