I want to build rear sets for my latest project (72' CB750K) so I'm looking for some ideas.
Right now I have a long carriage bolt thru the hole in the rear foot peg/ exhaust hanger. That position feels pretty good when I sit on it. So that's kind of the my goal to start.
I'd very much appreciate seeing anything that others have done for inspiration.
( I know they can be purchased but I'd like to at least attempt to build my own)
Thanks in advance.
What is your plan for build style and riding the bike?
Sitting short term tests is different than actually riding it.
You'll probably find that most don't put the rearsets that far back. If you do go that far back, you may find yourself scraping the brake/shift levers and your feet in deep cornering from the angle to get your feet to properly operate the controls(if you can get the rod lengths correct and angles to work properly).
I use the rear pegs as highway pegs. A few years ago, I also had been thinking that was the place to have the rearsets.
As Scott said most have been set up a bit higher than the stock rider footrests and back between the frame downtube and the passenger footpeg hoops.
John Tickle used to fabricate rearsets from aluminum plates and his pegs in the 70s, as pictured below. The plates are fairly simple to fabricate with the right tooling.