So I go to ride the 750 since I just mounted new tires on it. It's hard to start, has no pep and "feels" wrong. I pull over after about 1/2 mile and feel the pipes. One and Four are burning hot, but two and three are only warm and can be grabbed with no ill effect.
So now I have a SOHC2.
I limp home and see that I have no spark on two and three. Pull the plug caps and set the plug wires near the head. Big blue spark. Reinstall the caps. Try the outside plugs in the inside plug wires. Spark. So I have some bad plugs.
Head down to the auto parts store for four new plugs. Leaving the parking lot, a guy pulls in front of me and I bump him. Less than a fender bender, but still a big deal because he was an azzhole and DEMANDED that the cops be called. My car's worse than his, but he wanted to be a dick. Typical Louisiana redneck trash.
Anyway, cops show up and take information and I leave. Get home and deal with all the insurance bullsh*t.
Then I install the new plugs and the bike is running better than ever! So I throw on my stuff and head out. Eight miles down the road, I start losing power, as if I need to switch to reserve. I have plenty of gas, but I switch. Still losing power.
I pull over and the engine is revving fine, but the bike will not move. Look back and the rear brake is smoking. Seems the caliper wasn't as free as I thought it was, so it heated up and seized. Cooked the pads and blued the rotor. Waited until the disc and caliper cooled while I thought on what to do. They were so hot, they melted part of the finger on my leather glove when I accidentally touched the rotor . Using the tools in the bike, I managed to open up the caliper and remove the pads with the intention to limp home using front brake only.
I made it home, but now the FRONT brake is dragging a little and it looks like the miss is returning under load because the thing does not want to accelerate like it did when the plugs were fresh and I heard and felt it miss while riding home. It idles and revs fine in neutral though.
Now it looks like I'm gonna need to totally rebuild the rear caliper, the front caliper and troubleshoot the ignition system because I'm not sure where the gremlin is.
Tell me again WHY we monkey with these old machines? It's GOT to be insanity.