Bags are coming along. Insides are spruced up, and one is in primer, hopefully both will be in paint in the next week or so. The Wife has gone back to work, with Wilma, the name I have given the walker. She has progressed out of the Satan designed brace and should be walking unassisted in the next 3 weeks or so. I am still the the chauffer and main housekeeper, so garage time is when I get out there for a few hours. I have also started pulling the CL77 down, the bike is truly really low mileage but must have been sitting in a wet environment for quite a while, fighting a lot of rust. In the parts area, I have located an original set of Buco Mounting brackets for the Dream, damn rare, and two good wheels for the scrambler that have decent chrome and are 19inch OEM. I have a back up rear also that I actually re-laced the spokes on, first time for that fun filled experience, but really enjoyed the process......