I've had a few drinks, (reference my "horrible day" thread), and have come to some conclusions:
1. It is more harmful to let a machine, (bike, car, boat, airplane, whatever), sit than it is to run said machine. I am the owner of an extremely low-mile bike, but those low-miles were gotten because it was Living-Room Art for most of its life. Now that it's rolling, problems are cropping up because its components aren't used to being used as Soichiro Honda intended them to be used. I theorize that riding the ever-loving piss out of a bike, while doing proper and timely maintenance, is LESS damaging than letting it sit for years and then trying to ride it. Sh*t goes WRONG after years of sitting, as I am finding out first hand.
2. We are riding pieces of history. The CB750 was the FIRST superbike, regardless of what the Z1 fanatics say. The CB750 is the like Roger Bannister when he ran the world's first four-minute mile. He made history. Sure, the Z1 was faster in a straight line, but hey, who REALLY remembers the second guy who ran the mile in less than four minutes?