Here are views of the electrical/electronics system showing the ribbon cables and modules.
Electronic Tach and gauges. The small switches enable the head lights and electric blowers if I implement those.
Electronic 'key' LED's indicate power and ignition, a button enables the ignition.
Front main 'cycle bus'. There were 3 other head lights here until my step son (9 at the time) tried to move the bike without my knowledge 3 years ago. The bike fell into a bush. I was so glad it did not fall on him.
Central power distribution module
Mid sensors (oil pressure, engine temp, neutral switch) input module. I made an aluminum battery holder.
Front I/O module (handle bar controls go into here) and other side of main 'cycle bus'. The small relay controls the gauge lighting.
So there we are so far. This is not my only project, I will add those as I get the pics together.