You do not need new jets or needles unless you have damaged them.
One needs to confirm the carbs have genuine parts before choosing not to replace them.
Don't bother to ask how I found this out! [years ago]
Good idea!
Carb sets for very small money have been on the market the last years.
I could not resist to buy some.
When I saw the needles I changed my mind. I saw direct without comparing, different taper and lenght.
Pilot jets from 4into1. I had to drill all my 4 086A K6 carbs after 2 were stuck and broken where it is 2mm.
A 2.0 mm drill cleaned the debris. Drilled all 4 to make them equal just for sure. A very thin layer of alu followed, maybe more oxide thick layer
had to focus on depth. Tape on drill helped.
This when I got an idea to use size 42.5. Tricky to find.
I think CB500 has that size.