Try Spectro 20W-50 HD mineral.
Proven to make a CB750 to a long runner without restoration. Search this forum, there are a few very informative oil threads.
The Honda owners manual my K6 had when I bought it had a very clear oil recommendation.
10W-40 when ambient temp is under 15*C.
My bike is always in a +20C garage so no cold starts.
I have searched about motor oils, temperatures and viscosity.
Viscocity degrades rather quick, faster in a hot running engine.
Valve guides will suffer when oil is too thin.
Good info to be found on Porsche forums, the older air cooled.
Most car oils have antifriction stuff, not clutch friendly.
Verify the clutch lever play down the clutch cover.
Remove the chrome clutch cover fastened by 3 screws.
Release the clutch cable, loosen the stop screw nut.
Close the screw. It should move 1/4 to 1/2 turn in until stop.
Too little can cause clutch slip, too much will make clutch to rattle harder at idle.
My K6 got clutch slip in the 80's due to the best oil I found and thought to be good, Mobil 1 car oil.