This one.
It has high dose of phosporous and zinc.
Forum member ofreen has feeded his CB750F with it during many years.
I think soon closer to 200.000 than 150.000 miles.
My K2 has got it too. Gearbox felt really good.
Oil felt durable after 5000 km, still not that thinned.
I bought a bottle of ZZDP additive for cars. Saw too late it had anti friction stuff in it. Drained the oil direct.
Old car engines like both. CB750 clutch not.
I had used Spectro 'mineral' for many years(in the white bottle)in other folks bikes and my own and really like how it performed;I still have 2 qts. of their 5 & 10wt. standard fork oil which I mix from.
I don't see Spectro available as much when I look for it in discount locations. How much do they charge for it per quart ?
Do they still make it in Brookfield,Connecticut,USA,or another country ?
Does their standard mineral motor oil give consistent shifting and clutch action over it's usable lifespan Per? if so,I imagine(knowing their good business)they may have improved it;I always enjoyed the performance of it,in the past.