A world champion kawasaki racer told me the routine for a leak proof kawasaki valve cover, Install, torque, torque, run to temp. allow to cool overnight torque again. do the suzuki's also need this routine?
I never had a problem with my 1100E's valve cover gaskets leaking on them.
I clean the surfaces carefully with a safety razor and install dry.
Don,check your cylinder head/valve cover for warpage !
I had one person who shouldn't have ever owned a bike... Ernie's big son

A good customer of mine(in 96')asked me to sell his 83' 1100E for him,so I did.
The kid I sold it to was one of these guys with all his brains somewhere starting in his shoes,then it would transfer to his right wrist;in other words,the guy would never let his engine cool off.

He was constantly 'fast blasting' the throttle while sitting still:no brain I guess..
He overheated that engine severely and so I replaced his valve cover gasket.. it leaked;I did the same thing again:it leaked,again.

I didn't have a large cast iron machined-flat 'table' because if I did I would have layed that top cover up on there with a .0012",+ feeler gauge. I'm 99% certain he had warped his valve cover.
I think many of them have that happen when running the engine too lean while revving the sh*t out of the engine while sitting still;that's a hot,high-performance engine and it needs airflow !
I would like to have a large machined cast iron surface where I could use different grades of lapping compound to return the covers to flat again.