I hope this will not bring too much extra into this thread. Technical discussions are interesting.
CB750 Hemi !

This head has F2 in valves with lash caps.
Will get the valve on previous photo.
I need to measure assembly height on existing, test the shiny K valve and check if I need to change the shims under springs.
Not only to swap and wish for the best.
F valve might sit different with its different keepers and retainer.

[Head milled 0.50mm, MLS 72mm gasket]
Another head with same type of SS valves from CycleX, 34/28mm. They sell 33.5mm even cheaper today.
Chambers had to get some massage for 890cc piston domes, later milled 2mm when compression was too high and avoid double spark plug washers.
That engine need to be assembled to verify my guesses about OK compression.