I have done some research into solar power and like what I saw. Yes, the initial outlay in funds can be worrisome, but the overall advantages are quite good. Very clean energy, you never have to clean up bird guts. While the arrays are most efficient in direct sunlight, there is still power generation on coudy days, just not as much. Both federal and state agencies offer rebates that can add up for using solar power. Many states are starting to require power companies to credit your account for power you generate that they utilize elsewhere. The more you convert to electrical appliances, electric on demand water heaters, electric space heaters, electric oven and stove, long life light bulbs, etc, the less you rely on gas and heating oil, which is more expensive than electricity. An electric blanket will warm you better in bed than an electric space heater at less power. You can think of things all day to save energy, imagination plays a role here too, if you can imagine it, it might work for you.