Ride #35 121 miles
The fallen leaves are under control here at home and the forecast was for lots of sunshine and the mercury might bust into the lower 60s so I gave it a shot and rolled out this morning at 1130 and the temp at 55 and climbing. The temp made to 60, yes it was a little bit chilly but sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy (thanks John Denver). Arriving home at 330 I found my jacket liner and it will be zipped in if there is a next time out. I got my gauntlet gloves out for the last 25 miles. Tucked my shirt in at lunch, I will have my turtleneck on next time. My jacket has a double main zipper, underneath is a zipped wind flap that backs up the large toothed outside zipper, I made sure it was zipped today and all vents closed. I’m sipping a cup of coffee as I type, and I had my cold weather lunch today: Wendy’s chili and a baked potato.
I made my date with the 80mph EB Amtrak Wolverine and I scouted just a bit for a preferred photo site but when I returned to the preferred site it was claimed by others, oh well, I went across the tracks, now the CB was backlit, grrr….. and as the gates closed on Dexter-Chelsea road an F150 drove right into the foreground beyond his mandated stop, grrr. So I stepped around to the front of the CB and shot the train as it passed, going away. It wasn’t till I got home that I noticed the closed Chelsea Grain silos at the left, a bonus.
There’s a couple miles of road that parallels the track. I have paced the train before but only for a hot minute. You can’t pace and take the photo, I don’t have a GoPro. It’s safer to take the photo and not boast about riding fast.
This being November, my CB is 54 years old now. It’s not rocket fast, but it’s no slouch either, and reliable, 47.9mpg today. I think it likes pumping the cooler, dense air, these days.
Lash congrats on your personal goal #124.
You’re all set for 124 rides in 2124, that’s a hundred years out!
Nearly forgot, I had an encounter with a bald eagle today on Pontiac Trail near Dixboro road. He was circling at the treetops, then started a glide between the trees straight down towards me but he pulled up and away before he got too close. Don’t think I have seen an eagle round here.