A cracked rib sounds painful, Terry. I hope you recover soon.
I thought you have got your dose and more of pain already with your other back/spine issues.
Thanks Per, I’ve broken all of my ribs over the years (along with my back, ankle, both wrists, several fingers and toes, my collar bone, my nose at least 5 or 6 times) so I’m kind of used to it, but this particular one obviously hasn’t knit well because it’s popped out a few times over the years, when I try pulling something really heavy, i.e, when trying to drag the bike trailer sideways in the rain to make it easier to reverse into Spotty’s driveway.
The worst part is bending to pick something up, folding/unfolding my large frame into the cab of my little truck, or driving over speed bumps/potholes. Getting up out of my comfy chair after sitting for awhile hurts like hell, as does rolling over onto my right side in bed. That’s probably the worst because, due to my other injuries, I can usually only sleep on my right side. Oh well, I had a lot of fun breaking all those bones, so I’m paying for it now.