Well done Jim and Bud, and great pics! Well yesterday was nice, so I decided that ride #3 was in order. I've been enjoying the black Rocket, but at the same time ignoring the rest, so my original intent was to sort the ignition on the K0 (but I can't ride it yet as my permit expired last month and I forgot to send it to the Club permit guy for approval, I better do that today) but got hosed over by my local chemist, who made me wait over an hour to collect some prescriptions, so by the time I took my drugs home, got changed and headed to the storage place, it was too late to work on the Honda.
My "owned from new" Rocket hasn't been ridden since October, and I was worried that the battery was gonna be flat, but no, the 8 year old black Motobatt spun the big 2300cc engine over easily, and it fired right up. I couldn't remember when I'd last checked the tyre pressures, so I rode to the nearest gas station, filled it with 98, and pumped up the tyres. Made a huge difference, I couldn't see the gauge on the pump from where I was kneeling, but it took a bit of air before the little beeper told me that the front had 38 psi, and the rear, 42. There's a lot of air in those big tyres. On my last ride I'd installed a cheapo Ebay windscreen extender, which annoyed the crap out of me yesterday, I found myself looking around it as I was riding, so as soon as I hit a little town off the freeway, I pulled out my hex keys and removed it.
Rocket III Thursday 11 January 2024 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
It was much better after that, still have the wind blast into the helmet but at least I could see over the top of the screen, which I think I can raise an inch or two, anyway.
Rocket III Thursday 11 January 2024 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
We had flooding in Central Victoria on Sunday and Monday (weirdest summer that I can remember in years) so as that's my favourite riding area I was a bit concerned with water over roads etc, but it was all good, all the farmers dams were full and some creeks were more like rivers with water almost level with the road in places, and there were a few new potholes, but nothing serious. With fully inflated tyres, I pushed the big beast through the twisties a little faster than sensible, but the Avon tyres are probably the best for these bikes, and it felt very precise and stable. Compared to the black one, it's a bit more relaxed, with a much comfier seat (I had it re-shaped and re-padded in 2011) and a little more leg room. I stopped to take a couple of pics.
Rocket III Thursday 11 January 2024 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I rode on to Kilmore. On the way, I came up behind a guy on an old Goldwing, like the one I used to have, a mid 80's 1200. I'm guessing he was an older rider, but he was obviously in a hurry, and was overtaking slower moving vehicles in front of him, one at a time. When I could see a gap in on-coming traffic, I cranked the throttle and passed him and all the other vehicles in one bound, hitting 120 MPH in around 3 or 4 seconds, then quickly slowed back down to semi-legal speeds. This must have pissed him off, because he eventually caught up to me and decided that he needed to pass me too. That didn't go well for him, I just opened it up again and left him behind like he was standing still. He gave up after that, and just followed me the last ten miles or so into Kilmore, where I stopped at my favourite eatery, and he kept going. I parked my bike around the corner from the cafe, took my helmet off and walked around, only to find out that it's closed until the end of the month. Bugger.
It was getting warm, and I was feeling like I needed a cold drink, so rode home via Wandong, then straight up the freeway, where I cruised at 80-90 MPH, where it was safe to do so. All up I did a little over 120 miles in 2 hours or so, and the wife was surprised to see me home so early. It's going to be a stinker today (in the 90's) so no bike rides, instead I think I'll just clean the carbs on my Fireblade and get it ready to sell. It turns 25 years old in June, so eligible for a historic club plate. It'll need new tyres to pass a Roadworthy Inspection, and I'll need to install the OEM muffler that I had to buy from England, but I think I'll probably just sell it in my bid to further reduce the amount of bikes I have as I transition to retirement next year. It's an absolute weapon, but as comfortable as riding a GP bike, so not much good for anything other than short rides, it's only done 12000 miles in 24 years, which is a testament to owning a crotch rocket, they look great and are incredibly fast, but useless in the real world. No biggie, I bought it for cheap and haven't put much into it, so might even make a few bucks when I sell it.
Back to work on Monday, didn't really get a lot done over the Christmas break, but hopefully I'll get ride #4 in on the weekend, before I return to the hum-drum of work, where I'll be back to only riding on weekends. Oh well, as long as I get 24 rides in this year, I'll be happy.

Rocket III Thursday 11 January 2024 3 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr