#3 165 km (Yesterday)
Not that sunny, but comfortable weather. Ride started around 4 pm.
17*C to 15*C 3.5 hours later
The usual ride around nice country roads with a Power refill in the middle.
A plug cleaning ride in higher speed than normal cruising on those roads.
Plugs were dark after last year's last ride on 120 mains. 115 after that ride.
8000rpm, 5th gear, 17:48 sprockets, rear tire 4.0-18, a little more than half rubber left. Speedo was happy swinging around 180kmh.
Plugs looked good after the ride.
Will check the Excel chart of CB750 gearing vs speed.
The forest is harvested. 2 years ago a dense forest.
One place revealed an old road to a larger farmers house with trees on both sides as done when the road is going over a field.
I have seen many fields for farming that has got dense forests sine the 80's. A little bit boring.
Photo of a small lake or pond where people swim summertime.
Watched TV and remembered the 80's while eating. It was happy our, extra GT free of charge!!
Jane was not that Bad!!
Not the Badlest!!
I brought the food home in a small backpack I have ordered from Amazon for bringing home food when riding.
Folded in a flat nylon bag (not included) placed on battery under the seat when not used. (Battery does not leak