He has posted well over 100 photos,
I've wondered a few times if was overkill. Thanks for your kind words about the photos and for the collage, which looks great. I made it the wallpaper.
Greg, I stopped counting at 100 and I was a bit more than halfway through the list. My head was spinning in a happy way like you have had too much to drink and you want more. It’s nice to know there are places in this country with no traffic, views to the horizon, no clutter.
As far as 24 or more, I’m ok continuing on. Lash, willbird, Budman have shown new limits of what can be done here with the right setup. Opening it up has brought more participation, a good thing.
It’s just as easy to dial the target ride count back as it is to increase it.
Yes Terry it was 2020, the year of Covid shutdowns when Frank first put this challenge up. I had the roads all to myself.
At 42N my season is a bit more than PeWe’s and I crave the 15 hr days in June and suffer with 15hrs of darkness just now. The temps are reliably rideable here from April 15 - October 15 with bonus rides outside the 6month window. So once a week for 26 weeks works for me. This year I was towed by lashwillbud to 35 rides and 3500 miles, my tops. My age and health are my limiting issues. I can’t keep up with my Beemer buddy. My longest ride this year was 160 miles, with him. He does double that no sweat. You working guys: don’t wish your lives away. Yes there’s more time to ride in retirement, but less resources to do it with: I’m gonna age out of riding. It’s a good thing I have this easy chair, I sit down after a ride, start writing, and promptly fall asleep, haha.
There were eleven finishers this year. 11 x 24 = 264 rides x 50 miles = 13200miles. Of course there were a lot more rides and a lot more miles.
I have mailed out 9 of Bud’s handsome badge awards so far, Greg’s is on the table just over there in the envelope stamped and ready to go in today’s mail. My own is hanging from the mirror stalk on my CB. It’s a little tattered from banging with the 23 badge, and I think Frank would be good with that, knowing that the wear is from riding my CB.