I do the back end before I put it pack in the stand for “top and bottom” in one shot. I do a couple of fairly light coats, just enough to get good coverage. I usually wait 4-5 days and that seems to be long enough. Definitely wait, or you may get that dreaded reaction!
You mean you do a couple of light coats and then wait 4-5 days to put on the final coat?
Thanks for the help brother. Post divorce I’m doing all this in my dining room, which my gf can’t say #$%* about because it’s not her place
I’d rather macguyver it in my dining room than be married to my ex and have my old garage, that’s for sure. It does however mean I have to be careful about scratching floors etc.
I was going to black out the entire motor but I was so impressed by your restoration in the other thread that I’ve gone aluminum silver on the body of the engine and am currently using the Caswell 3-stage to get a mirror finish on my side covers
so far the stator and clutch covers look like glass, the points cover is a cheap and #$%* steel one, as is the clutch mechanism cover. So for now I’ll tidy those up and have them be silver, and will get some nice Yamiya ones to polish when I have a bit more cash.
It’s been worth the effort! It’s looking wonderful, night and day difference. I’ll sure be proud riding round with this in the frame