Author Topic: Troubleshooting my 78F  (Read 790 times)

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Offline tofan

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Troubleshooting my 78F
« on: January 14, 2024, 12:07:55 PM »
Hi All,

I recently picked up a 1978 CB750F with PD42A carbs. All stock. No mods. I took apart the carbs, ultrasonic cleaned them multiple times and replaced what needed to be replaced with good parts, checked for clogs, and bench sync'd before putting it back together. Replaced the plugs (NGK DEA8). Change oil and filter. Changed air filter (K&N stock type).

Here are the symptoms - I'm having a difficult time getting it started, even with choke on (pulled up). It takes many attempts to get it running, but once I manage to get it started and warm it up it seems to idle ok. Then, if I pull on the throttle hard it dies. If I pull on the throttle slowly, it'll rev up, but I can feel is slightly struggling around idle (1100rpm) - 2500rpm. If I have the choke on about 1/4 pull then I don't have this issue. Thoughts?
« Last Edit: January 18, 2024, 03:24:28 PM by tofan »
1976 CB550K
1976 CB750F
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Online denward17

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2024, 12:14:22 PM »
What's your float level like?  Clear tube test?

Sounds like it is running lean, what is the fuel mixture screws set to?  My '78K runs lean and need the screws about 2 turns out.

Did you verify that the choke plates are actually opening/closing when you push/pull the knob?

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2024, 12:48:20 PM »
Fuel lines, petcock filter, gas tank all clear?
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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2024, 01:17:59 PM »
Check the accelerator pump is squirting fuel down each carb when you crack the throttle?

On full choke, the mechanism should crack the throttle open a small amount. The set up specs are in the supplement for your model.

Did you pull the idle jets out to clean them?

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2024, 02:42:51 PM »
Did you pull out the pressed in low speed jets and clean the emulsion tubes in the low speed jets.
And as John said, did you properly clean and check the accelerator pump circuits in each carb.

Here is a decent writeup on cleaning the PD42 carbs you should have on your 78F.,48858.msg515204.html#msg515204
Honda Parts manager in the mid 1970s Nashua Honda
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Offline tofan

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2024, 09:39:12 AM »
Check the accelerator pump is squirting fuel down each carb when you crack the throttle?

On full choke, the mechanism should crack the throttle open a small amount. The set up specs are in the supplement for your model.

Did you pull the idle jets out to clean them?

This might be the problem. I've attached photos of the workshop manual and what my bike is doing now.

All the jets were pulled and thoroughly cleaned.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2024, 09:42:46 AM by tofan »
1976 CB550K
1976 CB750F
1978 CB750F

Offline tofan

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2024, 09:41:55 AM »
What's your float level like?  Clear tube test?

Sounds like it is running lean, what is the fuel mixture screws set to?  My '78K runs lean and need the screws about 2 turns out.

Did you verify that the choke plates are actually opening/closing when you push/pull the knob?

The mixture screws are at 1.5 or 1.75 turns I don't recall at the moment. The workshop manual states 1.75 so I will check it against hat.
I'll recheck the float levels.
1976 CB550K
1976 CB750F
1978 CB750F

Offline tofan

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2024, 09:43:16 AM »
Fuel lines, petcock filter, gas tank all clear?

All clear
1976 CB550K
1976 CB750F
1978 CB750F

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2024, 12:24:44 PM »
Here's the difficult question:
Are the brass parts (jets and needles) all genuine Keihin parts, and clearly marked so? If not, this IS the source of the problem. The aftermarket kits for these carbs have, for the last 10 years or so, had incorrect brass parts and jets from other bikes/carbs that don't work in these carbs.
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2024, 04:51:56 AM »
What's your float level like?  Clear tube test?

Sounds like it is running lean, what is the fuel mixture screws set to?  My '78K runs lean and need the screws about 2 turns out.

Did you verify that the choke plates are actually opening/closing when you push/pull the knob?

The mixture screws are at 1.5 or 1.75 turns I don't recall at the moment. The workshop manual states 1.75 so I will check it against hat.
I'll recheck the float levels.

Verfy choke plate function too. The choke plates are spring driven with no direct link to the cable/lever. Any misalignment/drag can affect their function.


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The Dragon:
Headlight Switch:
Branden's leak free top end thread:
Engine Lifting Made Easy:,58210.msg1684742.html#msg1684742
Static and Dynamic Timing:
Airbox Gasket Replacement:,114485.msg1290000.html#msg1290000
"Café" :,84697.msg953814.html#msg953814
PD Carb Choke Linkage:,100352.msg1669248.html#msg1669248
Follow up on your damn posts:,144305.msg1791605.html#msg1791605
Taiwanese Cam Chain Tensioners:,155043.msg1774841.html#msg1774841
Gumtwo Seat Cover:,164440.msg1897366.html#msg1897366
Primary Drive:,166063.msg1919278.html#msg1919278
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Offline Floshenbarnical

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2024, 10:09:54 AM »
What's your float level like?  Clear tube test?

Sounds like it is running lean, what is the fuel mixture screws set to?  My '78K runs lean and need the screws about 2 turns out.

Did you verify that the choke plates are actually opening/closing when you push/pull the knob?

The mixture screws are at 1.5 or 1.75 turns I don't recall at the moment. The workshop manual states 1.75 so I will check it against hat.
I'll recheck the float levels.

Verfy choke plate function too. The choke plates are spring driven with no direct link to the cable/lever. Any misalignment/drag can affect their function.

And they LOVE to oxidize around the edges, causing them to drag against the inside of the carb throat. I took mine off and filed/ sanded them to make them fit better.
"All things change in a dynamic environment. Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you."

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Offline tofan

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2024, 03:16:21 PM »
A quick update.

I opened up the carbs - fined tuned the floats, verified all the orifices are clear and, specially the accelerator pump nozzles. Air-mixture screws set at 1.75 turns.

I tried tuning the accelerator arm, but couldn't figure out how to tune the upper part (pump arm-to carb stay clearance) so made an educated guess. If someone has photos of what it's supposed to look like it would be very helpful.

After assembling everything together it's a little better, but still feel it stumble between 1000-3000rpm.

I didn't test the accelerator pump while I had the airbox off which will be my next step.

So, if I understand the accelerator pump's purpose, it's supposed to spray fuel into the carbs at a specific rpm or throttle stage?
1976 CB550K
1976 CB750F
1978 CB750F

Offline tofan

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2024, 03:18:07 PM »
Here's the difficult question:
Are the brass parts (jets and needles) all genuine Keihin parts, and clearly marked so? If not, this IS the source of the problem. The aftermarket kits for these carbs have, for the last 10 years or so, had incorrect brass parts and jets from other bikes/carbs that don't work in these carbs.

I believe they're all original Keihin's but will verify the next time I open it up. If they're not, what replacement product do you recommend?
1976 CB550K
1976 CB750F
1978 CB750F

Offline tofan

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2024, 03:21:06 PM »

Verfy choke plate function too. The choke plates are spring driven with no direct link to the cable/lever. Any misalignment/drag can affect their function.

They seem to be good. The next time I open it up I'll try to upload a video in case anyone here sees something I don't.
1976 CB550K
1976 CB750F
1978 CB750F

Offline tofan

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2024, 03:22:29 PM »
And they LOVE to oxidize around the edges, causing them to drag against the inside of the carb throat. I took mine off and filed/ sanded them to make them fit better.

There's no oxidation, but they do drag a tiny bit when the are almost fully closed. Is this an issue?
1976 CB550K
1976 CB750F
1978 CB750F

Offline Floshenbarnical

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Re: Troubleshooting my 78F
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2024, 06:34:23 AM »
And they LOVE to oxidize around the edges, causing them to drag against the inside of the carb throat. I took mine off and filed/ sanded them to make them fit better.

There's no oxidation, but they do drag a tiny bit when the are almost fully closed. Is this an issue?

Definitely worth checking with another member but I personally would clean up the edges with an emery board or some fine sandpaper so they move properly. I don't think it's causing your issue but the drag is likely to get worse as exposed to moisture and time
"All things change in a dynamic environment. Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you."

'77 CB750 SS