Hello there. Gearhead from Pennsylvania. Restored a 69 ct70 when I was 16 and I've working on old Hondas ever since. Finally got myself a four this past Monday and while it's not complete it has a title, hasn't been molested, and is in a state that would respond well to moderate restoration. Not gonna hack it up, but also not gonna do a concourse restoration. Hopefully something in the middle that can be taken the extra steps to super nice at a later date. Really it's something my father and I both have been on the lookout for and we decided this was a good one to jump on. We'll be working on it together. Currently, I also have a cb350t I got for 200 bucks that I'm gonna modify into something. Not sure yet. It's rough enough that it didn't make sense to restore. But yeah. That's about it about me. I'll be around. Thank you kindly for reading. Oh, and no I did not paint the engine black.