finally got it, i had another set of carbs sitting around that i bought sight unseen from italy years ago, and i figured swapping the coils would put more strain on possibly damaging those fragile parts, i opted to change the carbs. the last problem was midrange faltering, wouldn't run well. and it worked.
it's been over 8 months of trying to get this 400f 1975 running, with 10.5k miles and full of rust frame from sitting out in the elements for 20 or 30 yrs. this site has been instrumental in the help along the way. i have a few of them now, 2 or which run nearly showroom condition power and functions. appearances are not high on my list.
these bike are like cats, it can be multitude of different problems that can have the same symptoms. this site alone can be difficult to travel through by old guys like me. i know i can't explain or even communicate as well as some around here, but like the cat, i could of thrown in the towel and not returned for that reason, but that wouldn't be my best option, on account of riding is basically the reason i'm still hanging around this old age. i apologize to the guys here that seemed to lash out about how i didn't stay on the same thread or why i started a new one. i learned about that, but still can't figure out the details. so newcomers when you get suggestions that range from pin point solutions to process of eliminations by starting at the beginning to open a much bigger can of worms that you might be doing by following that order, especially when engine work like valves are included-stop and think a while before taking it all apart, because as these ex pro mechanics will be giving the correct solutions they'll include specific handling that they don't think twice about figuring it's what you'll be doing if you do follow their advise such as a valve re-facing or replacing, you have to clean the carbon off of the valve stem before forcing them through the guides if you plan on using the guides again, with an ability to ream them or even reuse them after changing seals. so go real slow in your spare time. the bikes are complex for sure. they'll outlast mechanical errors, exwives, or nuclear wars, etc.