Author Topic: air filter box drain tube full of water  (Read 369 times)

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Offline tommygunxs

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air filter box drain tube full of water
« on: February 28, 2024, 06:06:26 AM »
On my Honda Nighthawk 650 from 1983, the air filter drain tube was full of water. The previous owner told med that the motorcykel had some idle problem. He didnt know that the drain tube has to be drained, so thats why it was full of water.

My question- a air filter drain tube full of water can have cause the idle problem?

I havent start up the motorcykel because of the bad weather outside,  but I have changes the fluid in the brake and clutch, and the motoroil and tranmission oil, so when the sun comes I hope to test drive the motorcykle:)