I used to always use Daiichi points and condensors because that was what my local motorcycle shop had in stock, on the shelf, walk in and buy it whenever needed. I did not know any better. They would last anywhere from 1 to 10 thousand miles. I thought that was just the best points ignition could do. Finally got to the point where I bought 2 brand new condensors and one lasted 70 miles replaced and then the other one broke 20 miles later. By then, I had amassed quite a collection of used sets pulled off parts bikes and found at swap meets, all oem. I have ridden for years now needing very minor attention to the ignition, of course check them once in a while, once in a longer while they need a minor adjustment, tens of thousands of miles.
If you find that little 3 vaned propeller on your ignition parts, just chuck em in the trash. They WILL leave you on the side of the road, if your bike ever even comes out of the garage.