I snagged this bad boy yesterday in Richmond - for $100 I couldn't say No...
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Dr. Frankenstein1, on Flickr
DSCN2713 by
Dr. Frankenstein1, on Flickr
Here's a couple of pics of the bike. Yes, it's kind of rusty; the owner said he found it under a shed that was falling down, and it Was! When I showed up to pick up the bike I could see it had dang near collapsed on everything inside it when he rescued it. Didn't find the right sidecover, but that's not really a big deal; he said he's let me know if he finds it.
It has a key, though, 10K on the clock, and it still turns over and seems to have compression - and the upper triple tree is Uncracked!
DSCN2701 by
Dr. Frankenstein1, on Flickr
The points look nice...! And check out the gas tank!
DSCN2717 by
Dr. Frankenstein1, on Flickr
DSCN2716 by
Dr. Frankenstein1, on Flickr
I even found this under the seat!
DSCN2703 by
Dr. Frankenstein1, on Flickr
...along of course with the usual debris in the filter and mouse nest above it...
DSCN2709 by
Dr. Frankenstein1, on Flickr
The clutch perch is busted where it attaches at the lever; probably happened when the shed collapsed, along with a small dent on the top-right of the tank, which looks fresh - probably the same collapse - and the front fender and wheels are badly rusted, but overall, it's not too bad.
DSCN2710 by
Dr. Frankenstein1, on Flickr
DSCN2711 by
Dr. Frankenstein1, on Flickr
Bit of a story here - so at the owner's house, I tentatively put some air in the flat tires, and they hold, so we get the bike loaded up, I get home and didn't really have much of a chance to clean it up; I put some PB Blaster and Kroil on the nuts and bolts, etc etc. and leave it in the garage. I go out this afternoon and I'm getting some stuff to hang a picture and
BAM!! It sounds like a shotgun going off in the garage! Scared the living crap out of me!
WHAT THE EFF WAS THAT??!!?" It was 'extremely loud and incredibly close,' to coin a phrase...at first I thought my little compressor might have given up the ghost, but No, so I'm looking, and looking (with earmuffs on this time, Just In Case...!)...and I see some water on the floor and the telltale blast-pattern of a tire that has blown out. You may have already guessed - apparently the tire blew out! It held all the way home, got it into the garage where it sat until BOOM! I didn't fill it up all the way, maybe 10 or 15 lbs...? It IS pretty old, though, so I guess it is to be expected, but still - I jumped so high I damn near touched the roof (And I deflated the rear tire - just in case!

So anyway, that makes TWO that have followed me home in as many weeks! And wouldn't you know it but somebody on FB has THREE CB554's for sale for $1200...! (I like my 500's better though, I just think they look cooler).
But Man - where do I Start??