I put the bike back together after replacing valve guides etc.
If fired up easily, with good oil pressure - not surprisingly since I had cranked it to exhaustion beforehand, and then checked using the starter.
Anyway, the problem was the idle, in that there was none! The engine raced to about 3 500 rpm, with the idle screw fully out, so I took the carbs off to recheck the synchronisation.
With them off I checked and reset the float levels, just to be sure.I also read many of the posts to make sure I was doing things right.
So the first thing is that the setting is done from the INTAKE side? Is this correct? If so then that was my mistake the last time.
The procedure I followed was:
1. With the idle screw out, I lowered all the slides as far as possible.
2. I set the lock nuts on the rods so the rod and nut was just past flush.
3. I set No 2 slide – still on the inlet side – using the idle screw and locked this in place. I used a 3,5mm (slightly >⅛" drill bit.
4. I adjusted the other three slides using the adjuster nuts and locked them down also.
5. I operated the slides a couple of times and rechecked the gaps, adjusting No 4 which was a little low.
So I just want someone (or two) to confirm that I have done it right - especially the inlet side operation.