Author Topic: what a difference correct psi makes!  (Read 1254 times)

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Offline stueveone

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what a difference correct psi makes!
« on: March 17, 2007, 02:10:47 PM »
Sounds dumb. I know. But it came to my attention that I hadn't checked the air pressure in my tires in ages (I've been to consumed with carb jetting) Consequently, I also noticed that my bike handled like dog sh#t. It was squirelly and would track on any and all lines or divets in the road. This was at 20psi. Man, after getting some air in them, holy hell! It's like a totally different bike! I was so startled that I figured I'd post something about it, in case there are others out there who overlook tire pressure.

Offline old750

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Re: what a difference correct psi makes!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2007, 02:39:04 PM »
Good call. Haven't checked my pressure and I'm suffering same deal. thanks.

Offline SD750F

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Re: what a difference correct psi makes!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 02:52:44 PM »
I think is has been said on the forum before by a couple of the experts that the best inflation rule is to inflate the recommended pressure cold. Then ride and warm up the tires. If the cold inflation is perfect for you and your bike weight the pressure should increase 2 PSI. If it is higher than two PSI then there wasn't enough inflation pressure cold (warming of the sidewalls causes higher internal heating and increases the internal pressure). And inversely true if the warm pressure is less than the 2 PSI increase than the cold pressure was too high...

Adjust this for your load weight and keep it this way unless you change your load.


Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: what a difference correct psi makes!
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 03:15:42 PM »
I discovered it a while ago. A car is very heavy so it's obvious when a tire have low pressure. On the contrary, the bike's tires can be running on low pressure and we would never tell just by looking at the parked bike. Just because the tire seems well inflated it doesn't seem it has the correct pressure, and the handling is squishy and the turns uneven and slippery. Obviously, the forces on the tire make it flex sideways.

Offline rhinoracer

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Re: what a difference correct psi makes!
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2007, 07:18:23 PM »
It does, I once ran off the road in a turn because of low tire pressure.
Baja native.

Offline mrbreeze

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Re: what a difference correct psi makes!
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2007, 11:44:14 PM »
A couple of years ago,I had just finished rebuilding my carbs and a few other projects. The bike was down for a couple of months so I was real antsy to go ride when I got the carbs back on. I got so busy dialing in my carbs and taking test rides that I forgot to check the air in tires. Then it dawned on me........."hey....dumbass!!!!!....check the air in your tires. I forgot what the front was but the rear only had 15 lbs.!!! So off to the gas station I ride but on the way.......flat tire!! Ripped the valve outa the tube. I check my tires more often now.
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Offline stueveone

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Re: what a difference correct psi makes!
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2007, 06:37:49 PM »
Cool! sd70f I'll try that! Hey what about makes of tires? I heard that you should always try to keep the same manufacturer for both the front and rear in that they are designed for each other. Anybody hear this? I have Mezler front and Challenger rear. I wonder if changing would make a difference?

Offline 78 k550

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Re: what a difference correct psi makes!
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2007, 08:26:24 PM »
The front is a much better quality than the rear. Also depends how long they have been sitting. just because they look good doesn't mean there good and safe. The rear is made by Kendra. I have one on rear of the 78 550k. never had matching tires on it so I cant tell you about that bike. I have a perrelli on the front and a Dunlop 404 on the rear. I'm sure it would handle nice with matching tire's. We had an old bike run here and it runs about 140 mile's. I rode my friends 72 500 on a run last year with his 7 year old on the back. He just put on a pair of S-11's. I wasn't to easy on some of the corner's and had no dought about the tire's and handling. It made a difference in the overall handling. That thing felt like it was stuck to the road. I know because I also have a 72 500. I have a challenger on the rear and a cheng chin on the front. I would not of felt as confident with my bike as with his, let alone I was carrying his 7 year old on the back.

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