Had a similar issue and moved my needles up to the 4th slot (from the bottom to top) and am still running crazy rich on a bone stock set-up. I noticed my airbox says CB750F on it so I'm wondering if that could be an issue - wanted some opinions or thoughts on it. Running 064A carbs. (76 750K)
IMHO many (maybe all?) of the airboxes say that on them.
My K2 has 064A carbs since september last summer.
That bike had K6 carbs (086A) before.
Stock airbox with K&N filter
Yamiya no numbers 4-4 with rather good flow.
With 086A carbs
- Airscrews 7/8
- Pilot jet 40
- Needle 4th notch from top
(They had 3rd as stock with 341 pipes)
- Main jet 115
064A carbs got same jetting to start with. Way too rich.
- Airscrews 1
- Changed needle clip to 3 (middle)
-Main jets 115
This worked much better.
I'll test 112 main jet coming season.
It seems that good throttle response on 5:th gear from 4000-5000 rpm need a little rich.
That make the ride much better.
064A carbs were stock on 1975 F according to Honda CB750 Shop manual.
I have noticed that too low fuel levels in float bowls will cause too lean (starvation) when riding a little faster.
Increase main jet will not help, fuel starvation mixed with too rich will affect plug color and head scratching.