I have noticed differences when cruising around in ca 70-100kmh.
I did some air screw rides with my my K6 carbs 086A.
I set the screws way wrong to feel the difference. Opened 1 1/2 turn.
Result: Bike acted as early indication to change petcock to reserve.
Then reduced by 1/8 each time. OK at 1 turn out.
Small hesitation at take offs reduced air screws another 1/8.
Same bike has now 064A carbs with richer needles as default. Taper is richer so 1 step lower.
I have not played with air screws that much yet. Only as described.
(I'll test slightly smaller main jets next time, from 115 to 112.)
Need a ride on old jetting first. Change MJ after a 200km ride. Another 200km ride asap to feel the difference and check plugs again.
Photos when plugs are cold to see the difference. No pitch black nor white grey thanks.
Change air screws must be done on rides.
Bring a screwdriver with you. Change after ca 50km and feel the difference.
After a first change it can be enough to change each 10-20km.
Alternate slow take offs with slow riding shifting up all gears and cruise. Not much more than 100kmh.
My Mikuni TMR32 with fuel screws reacts very much.
Steps of 1/8 is much. Open screw give more fuel.
Hesitations during light throttle increase (lean)or rich d-d-d sound at slow roll-offs.
Too rich can d-d-d at slow roll-on too.
Even here important to adjust during a ride. I have adjusted a lot!!
Make sure that engine is fully warmed up.
A mistake to adjust when cold to get too rich after 50km further.