Hi Everyone,
I have been chasing this problem with my '75 400F for months now and it's driving me crazy, I have found a few posts in this forum and others with CB400 and 550's with similar issue but none of them seem to have found a definitive solution - was hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction.
Basically, the bike won't idle properly and the issue appears when the bike is warm, and gets worse the hotter it is. The most annoying this is the bike used to run perfectly. I didn't use it for about 2 years, and as part of re commissioning I gave the carbs a clean out as they had got a bit gummed up over that time. And ever since then, the issue has been there.
It starts happily without choke even on a cold day and idles ok cold, but to me it seems increasingly rich as it warms up.
Once warm, the idle is rough and it tends to cut out. If I turn the speed idle screw enough to get it to idle without cutting out, it will sit there then suddenly rev up to about 3000RPM. Turn the idle screw down again, it has little effect until the revs suddenly drop, it stumbles and cuts out.
I have done and checked the following to try and resolve this with no success, with one exception I will describe below:
Bike is standard, standard air cleaner and intake setup, standard exhaust (even with the original Honda branded muffler!), 5K NGK plug caps
Fresh premium E5 fuel (With new inline fuel filter)
New condensers
New points & points gap set
Confirmed throttle cables are free and not sticking (I installed them new when I first got the bike)
Automatic advance unit checked and lubricated
Ignition timing set using strobe light
Automatic advance operation checked with strobe light, advance start RPM is in spec and its not sticking
New spark plugs (Denso X24ES-U) changed from NGK DR8ES-L
New battery
Carbs cleaned thoroughly 5 times now, idle circuit confirmed clear between idle circuit inlet, slow jet, idle air adjuster screw and idle circuit outlet just under the throttle slide
New No.40 slow jets from David Silver
New No.75 main jets from David Silver (o-rings fit nice and tight in the jet tower)
Checked and cleaned emulsion tubes
Checked choke operation, all 4 opening and closing evenly
Float height set to 21mm
Cleaned fuel tank and new strainer - confirmed good flow from tank and through filter
Valve clearances set to 0.05mm
Valve timing checked - timing mark perfectly aligned
Checked for air leaks around intake boots and carbs
New intake boots (engine side)
Ran without air filter - issue still there
Adjusted idle air screws from 0 to 4 turns out in 1/2 turn increments - almost no effect, but seemed slightly better the further out they were screwed.
Vacuum synced the carbs (in the short interval where it was actually running properly, see below)
Checked coil impedance primary and secondary
As well as the idle issue, I am also getting the following symptoms:
Heavy soot deposits on spark plugs even after a fully warmed up ride (on all plugs)
Slight midrange stumble and lack of torque lower in the rev range (much less pull than when its running right)- this seems to get worse every time I take the bike out
A mist of fuel can be seen spitting from the carbs into the air cleaner side, particularly as you open the throttle slightly and the engine gets a bit stumbly. Very similar to the CB750 post from a few days ago. Intake manifold is very fuely
Now I did think I had fixed it - after installing the new idle jets (I dont think the jets actually made any difference, it seems whatever the issue was happened to be resolved temporarily). Once fully warmed up it was running perfectly. I took this opportunity to vacuum sync the carbs, after which it was idling smooth and nice and responsive.
Took it out for a ride, it was almost like it was back to its old self. Powerful, responsive, idling perfect. But about 10 minutes in, the engine started to stumble and feel sluggish. I stopped and found fuel flowing from the carb overflow tubes. Drained the bowls and opened the fuel tap again, overflow was resolved. Started it up and behold, it wont idle anymore. Exactly the same symptoms as before, with the added bonus of backfiring and stumbling on anything over 1/3rd throttle. Full throttle felt like you slammed the brakes on. I managed to nurse it home, at that point I was inclined to cast it into the bin.
No idea where to look from here. Since then I have cleaned the carbs again and fitted new intake boots, and still the idle problem and the midrange stumble / full throttle engine fully cutting out is still there (actually worse if anything). It pops and bangs and throws me around like a ragdoll at anything above 1/3rd throttle
Thanks everyone and sorry for the long post, wanted to convey as much detail as possible.