RIP 🙏 Larry Romig. From the time we met, we hit it off and became close friends. All of sudden one race, boom, he was there, and remained part of the team from there on. He was always such a big help and was fun to be around. I talked with him less than 2 weeks ago, after Keith and Jay's untimely demise. He was in the hospital then, but still in good spirits. He had to go on dialysis about a year or so ago. But he was in the hospital for high blood pressure, waking up in the middle of the night with extremely high numbers. They couldn't find anything and sent him home. But the big red flag was him telling me he wasn't digesting his food properly. Way too much undigested food compared to the norm. He passed in his sleep after going to bed Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. RIP Larry 🙏, you gave a lot and are already missed, bro. We sure lost a lot of 750 aficionados in a really short time. You guys and gals take care and listen to your doctor and your body. God bless all of you. Ride on my friend 🧡