Author Topic: Fork leaking oil- can I put in new oil while the fork is still on the bike?  (Read 450 times)

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Offline tommygunxs

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The front fork on My Honda nighthawk 1983 is leaking oil.
I wonder if I can remove the cap upp on the fork and put in some new oil whit some seal fixer? (omega 917).

The thing is the fork will still be attached to the motorcycle- and I now that if I open the top bolt there will be some airpressure that I have to handle, and there is a big spring in the fork.

Se the pictures, can this be done?  Otherwise I have to take the fork of and apart och put on some new seals but my knowledge to this is limited

Offline tommygunxs

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Se picture of the motorcycle

Offline tommygunxs

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And this picture. I wonder if I can put oil in the fork while the fork is still attached to the motorcycle

Offline newday777

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In a word, yes you can but you need to clean out the bug guts in the seal, use a Seal Mate or make your own.

Then you need to empty out the old oil before refilling.
Honda Parts manager in the mid 1970s Nashua Honda
My current rides
1975 K5 Planet Blue my summer ride, it was a friend's bike I worked with at the Honda shop in 76, lots of fun to be on it again
1976 K6 Anteres Red rebuilding project, was originally my brother's that I set up from the crate, it'll breath again soon!
Project 750s, 2 K4, 2 K6, 1 K8
2008 GL1800 my daily ride and cross country runner

Prior bikes....
1972 Suzuki GT380 I had charge of it for a year in 1973 while my friend was deployed and learned to love street riding....
New CB450 K7 after my friend returned...
New CB750 K5 Planet Blue, demise by ex cousin in law at 9,000 miles...
New CB750 K6 Anteres Red, to replace the totaled K5, I sold this K6 at 45k in 1983, I had heavily modified it, many great memories on it and have missed it greatly.....
1983 GL1100A, 1999 GL1500 SE, 1999 GL1500A

Offline rotortiller

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Support the bike under the frame etc forward of the center stand making the front wheel leave the ground. Take the front wheel off, remove fender, caliper etc, loosen the fork tube top cap nut, loosen the triples and pull that sucker off. Then fix the leak by replacing the seal. I typically remove the spring and the seal circlip, fill the thing up with oil, install cap and press the seal out hydraulically. I use a press but ratchet strap may work but have not tried it. You can also do it the way the shop manual suggests.

You can also support the bike forward weight from the bars using two step ladders and a board with ratchet straps.

Offline tommygunxs

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In a word, yes you can but you need to clean out the bug guts in the seal, use a Seal Mate or make your own.

Then you need to empty out the old oil before refilling.

Do you know it I can put a jack a lift the bike in the oilpan? Will it hold? I also have the center stand

Offline willbird

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on the center stand there is not a lot of weight on front wheel, when bike has luggage rack putting as little as 50lbs on the luggage rack can lift front wheel off ground. so using jack probably less than 100 lbs pressure will lift front wheel until rear wheel touches floor….pivoting bike on center stand. I just put a board under my 4:1 header and jack there to make the bike pivot.

probably could use ratchet strap pulling on ceiling joist too

Offline HondaMan

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Like Rotortiller says: if it is leaking then you'll need to change the fork seal. Fluids to 'reseal' those seals don't work very well, if at all.
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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But how much will you know to add?!

Replace the seal and put in the proper amount so that your forks don't work differently
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Kelly E

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We always rebuild both sides at the same time. First inspect the tubes for any nicks or dings. If it has never been done there will be a bunch of sludge in the bottom.
The hardest task is breaking loose the bottom bolt without spinning the piston. An impact gun works the best.
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Offline bryanj

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A leaking fork seal needs replacing, it will not "fix" with any aditive plus most times they leak the fork chrome is compromised
Semi Geriatric ex-Honda mechanic and MOT tester (UK version of annual inspection). Garage full of "projects" mostly 500/4 from pre 73 (no road tax in UK).

Remember "Its always in the last place you look" COURSE IT IS YOU STOP LOOKIN THEN!