That’s interesting about the battery chargers. I always, when I remember connect the battery first; I never knew why I did, it just seemed the right way to do it.
I was recently using two chargers, belonging to a lady biker who isn’t terribly technical, and I noticed that one of them had a 20A charging current, before I changed to the other one.
The rectifier is another with a circuit board replacement, done by the same German guy - who never got back to me incidentally – so again I guess it is difficult to say how it should behave. The rectifier, btw, had the resistor still in place, but it wasn’t connected to the circuit board; all three wires had been snipped.
I tore, literally, the connector block apart - the connectors were melted in place. The red and one of the yellow connectors broke during the process and another broke partially. I replaced them with available connectors and hooked them back up directly to the male (rectifier) side.
The results are:
RPM. Day Night
1000 2,5. 13 5 12,5
2000 3,5 14 3,5 14,6
3000 4,0 14 5,2 13,6
Whilst the voltage seems OK, there still seems to be too much current flowing, momentarily the voltage will exceed 15V.
With the ignition off, there is no draw from battery, but when switched on the meter shows 5A, and with the headlight on this rises to 8A.
If you think it’s OK to ride with the above, I’ll head back to where the connectors are going and I’d be happy to have the other rectifier, if you could send it there. If not good to go now, I could wait where I am .