The bike was running fine for a couple thousand miles, #2 carb started a small slow leak which was caused by a pinched gasket. I replaced (from the set of 4 I’m using now) and used super glue and it was fine for a couple hundred miles. Then #3 cylinder went coldish one day, and I pulled the carbs installed same old gasket from years ago using super glue again. Bike ran good after that, but after running it for a while I realized the two carbs that I’d used glue on were pissing gas out the top (indicates bad gasket to me, not valve or float as there was no overflow coming out).
I think what happened was I used too much glue and then the gaskets shrank while the carbs were off the bike, and the gaskets got stretched or out of whack somehow.
So I have used 1/4 gaskets from this set without problems for a couple hundred miles, I think they are fine. I’m pretty sure it was just going way overboard on the glue and then letting them dry out