Sadly they all do not come to fruition, this one will not. The plugs were so badly rusted in the cylinders that I only got three of the them out leaving a broken base in blind cylinder #2. That was after soaking for well over a week with every rust concoction from both across the counter and homemade know to man. Even with heat I twisted the easy out head I was using off a few days ago, so now there is the plug base and head of the easy out still in place. Of course it could not have been 1 or 4 where accessibly is no issue and a simple helicoil or insert could have solved the problem. I "will not be pulling the motor or cutting the frame", the end does not justify the means. There is no title and the parts needed to bring it back to stock form are just to numerous not knowing if the motor is good. Fortunately I did not pay much for the bike so it just switched from project to parts bike. With the carb bank, airbox, swingarm, motor covers, and assorted other bit and pieces, I am still ahead. In the fall I strip it down and save what I can and scrap the rest. Some days you are the bug, others you are the windshield........