Seems to be as my TMR, under side inlet side of throttle.
But these are more visible.

You have to adjust by feel.
1/8 turn make big difference on my Mikuni TMR32.
I seated all lightly. Photo of all with telephone.
Later fine tuned all after final photos when I knew that open 3/4 turn was the best setting. Compared photos and saw that one was 1/32 turn wrong despite my very careful adjustment.
Easy they could differ 1/16. Sometimes even 1/8.
I used a small screwdriver I have cut down the plastic handle on.
I have another short one for main jet.
A 3rd one for pilot jet.
They cannot be long when changing or adjustin with carbs on
Fuel screw and pilot jet screwdrivers trimmed on a bench grinder to fit the screws as good as possible.
From a kit of small screwdrivers with one bigger handle to mount. All in a small box.
My adjusted screwdrivers.
Main jet - black
Fuel screw - yellow
Pilot jet - red