I did it some years ago with what you guys over there know as the CA95 Benly twin.
I bored it out to 175 and used CD175 pistons that had a very high crown.
I took a lot off the top of the pistons but still could not get enough clearance.
I put 2 extra gaskets under the cylinder block and had to use a semi worn cam chain just to get the split link in.
This pulled the timing out by about 2/3 of a tooth. The motor would not rev above 9000 rpm and made 12.5 bhp.
I modified the cam sprocket to realign the timing and bingo....14000.
The motor sounded real nice but wouldn't make more than 13 bhp at 10500 rpm.
The compresion is still to high and needs to be run on methanol,...I'll get round to it one day
