Wow, it's interesting that this thread has lasted as long as it has. When I post a question like this, partly I do so because I doubt that only one person in our large worldwide group has the same issue. Anyone who purchases either used or NOS vintage pistons is going to encounter the same issue. CR's (and Octanes) used to be higher, and there are many vintage piston sets that are still usable with some modifications.
Agreed, Sam, that the simplest and best solution is to only buy new pistons and specify the CR. But again, this question was posted for a larger audience that will frequently encounter a "deal" on vintage pistons... or other vintage used parts for that matter.
In my case, I wanted to use the pistons for sentimental reasons: they were one part of a complete NOS vintage Action Fours 836 kit: pistons, rods, cam, springs. It just seemed "the right thing to do" to try to make them work rather than replace them with a set of new Wisecos. And it seemed like a good question to pose to such an experienced group of CB750-lovin' brothers as the members of this board.
I think we have found and discussed a number of usable solutions. I'll probably end up playing with combustion chamber volume and, maybe, a Cometic copper gasket. I really won't know what'll be necessary until the burette comes out.
But for me and for anyone else who has been interested in this rather technical thread, thank you all for your input. You're the primary this board can be so inspirational.
RRps. Not sure about boring small holes in the crown of the piston, but I know for a fact that BIG holes reduce the CR like RIGHT NOW!!!