Oil and filters are a must have for several changes for years to come

Oil prices have always been very high here in Sweden. Very popular to order car oil from Germany for 1/3 of the price.
25L each time.
If an oil becomes popular the price will increase. Spectro motorcycle oil one example that increased +50% from one year to another.
I bought some US gallons (3.786L) in time 2021 when price was relatively low on Internet here so I still have some.
Same with Eurol Twinlube, low priced oil. Suddenly cost a lot more when I refilled my stash last year with 20L.
Still not near Red Line motorcycle oil price level.
I guess people have found the oils to work well, no need for the very expensive oils $20-25US for a quart.
I prefer to have in stock. Have ca 35-40L for my 2 bikes, 2 changes for my car. All have recently got a change.
Same with oil filters, ordered a pack of 10 from Germany when price was OK, K&N filter. I had some filters left.
Weather too bad too long now for rides to next oil changes.

I think I am an oil hoarder!