My Schubert C3 Pro is a flip up helmet.
Best helmet ever. So convenient to take on and off.
I wear glasses during helmet on-off.
Plus inbuilt sun visir. Always clear visor, if going to be blinded by the sun, I'll shut down the internal sun visor.
My helmet and visor is usually full of bugs after a ride. Some smacks into the helmet rather hard. I do not want them into my face in higher speed nor any speed at all.
I bought a tough tinted blue/red visor with the helmet for looks. It matched my blue white helmet really well.
I stopped using it after a few rides due to bad sight on darker parts of roads thru forests, tunnels or in the evening.
Iridium style tinted visor

A flip up helmet of a well fitting brand, clear visor and inbuilt sun visor is my recommendation.
During refueling, flip up for fresh air.
I could not resist looking at Schuberths webpage.
C5 is the new model. tempting!
Not cheap. It cost +50% more than my special graphics blue white C3 Pro did late 2014, more than double than my bronze C3 Pro did 2020.
I can resist!!!

Bad currency development against Euro increase by 20-25%
They have a carbon fibre model too. I prefer colors.
I see that some sellers still offer the C3 Pro no longer produced for a lower price. Still a very good helmet.
(C4 was for sport bikes riders, C4 a mistake, C4 Pro better)