Nearly a year and a half since I posted on this thread, here is an update...
Last ride on the mighty Z1 was a few weeks ago, a fuel leak from the Mikunis was detected, the "screw driver knock on the bowl" trick did not work.
So decided yesterday was the day to pull the carbs and repair the issue.
Part 1.
Pulling the carbs is relatively easy on the Z1, the seat, tank and side covers come off as easily as a CB. It was rather warm in the garage so I rolled it out to my driveway...

With the carbs off and float bowls removed, the carbs looked immaculate! I had them vapor blasted a few years ago and still look great, inside & out.

However, it did seem like one float was sticking but not #1 which was the carb that was leaking. Once back together, I pulled out my "tank/carb bench jig", which is actually a wine box for the tank and amazon box for the carbs! [I do have a remote fuel jug but this was much easier]

Turned on the petcock and 30 seconds later #1 starts pissing fuel, WTF?? So, I pulled the float bowl back off, float is not stuck, no dirt, all looks good and put the bowl back on. A second check showed no leak, good.
Carbs back on, about a 15 min job, tank and seat on, bike fires right up. Went for about an hour test ride all is good on the big Kaw again!

Part 2.
Last time I rode the Kaw H1 500, it seemed I fouled a plug and was only running on 2 cylinders. Checked the shelf and found some new NGK's and slapped 'em in. Took about 20 kicks, no elec starter, I hate that, but she roared to life, she's a smokin'!!!

A short test ride was all I had time for, had to meet the wife for Happy Hour. But made time to give the bikes a quick wipe down, a great day for a couple Kaws.