Quick disclaimer: I’m a noob with my first classic honda: a '74 CB350F
I’m still slowly going through the bike/engine to try and guage where im at with it. THe kickstart works great and the bike even started (albeit with flooded carbs
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php/topic,195360.0/topicseen.html) right away using kickstart.
However, after the kickstart occasionally wont engage the engine and just kicks freely. Today for example, i was doing some compression testing using the kickstart (brand new battery was dead again, but I suppose thats another topic — ie do these things have lots of phantom drain?). In neutral I kicked it over a few times, and it was reading compression fine and there was, what felt like, appropriate resistance in the compression strokes. I paused a bit, and then went back to kick it and the kick start swung way too easy. I kept doing this for a while and it was clear it just wasn’t engaging the engine. Then I pulled the clutch lever and let it go, and and on the next kick we were suddenly we were back in business.
Is this normal? Is there some sequence with the clutch that is expected?