Thanks everyone! I appreciate the replies and apologize for the unavoidable delay in getting back to you...
The push pins just "push" in, they will expand once you pop on the badges.
Is there a left/right side badge? I think the ones on my 550 were, but not 100% sure. I remember one side fit better than the other.
They just snapped on with side of my fist, popped on easily.
No experience with the bottom edge trim on a 750 tank.
Thanks for the info Denward! And yes, there is a left and right HONDA name badge... for the K1 750... 87121-300-030 (R) and 87122-300-030 (L).
I push them in and them “massage” them with a soft white rubber mallet that I keep for just that purpose. Sounds odd, but really works. Where ever they seem to stand a bit proud, slide a piece of thin cardboard underneath and tap away.
Thanks John!
I used hot water instead of a heat gun for the bottom trim. I have a Keurig coffee maker in my garage, I ran a tall insulated tumbler full of hot water. Let the end set in the hot water a few minutes and started forming it to the tank. I just went back and forth from water to forming until I got it. Some good quality small plastic clamps helps hold the trim until it cools. The hot water gives much more control and even heating than a heat gun without the chance to burn it. The trim is less than perfect to start with, but its the best we got.
I really appreciate this TideWater2. I got no instructions with the bottom trim pieces I received and had no idea there was any heat shrinking or gripping involved. I was trying to figure how the little clips on the bottom of the tank are supposed to hold the trim.
Now that I've had a closer look at the trim pieces, it does look like another layer of "light colored something" folded into the crotch of the bend in the trim piece. I thought this was some type of protective layer and even considered peeling it out. I never would have guessed this to be a heat sensitive fastening method. I'll keep your hot water suggestion in mind TideWater, but any additional info on fastening this trim would be much appreciated.
Be careful with the rubber hammer. I have a friend who wasn’t paying enough attention and actually put a slight indentation in the tank.
Wow. Like I said; “massage it”, don’t beat it to death!
Massage it! I got it, John! I think the word I used up top was... finesse!